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Page history last edited by Barbara Bridges 15 years ago


Greetings from Dr. B.mp3



Welcome Guests. We really appreciate your visit to our Digital Poster Session.

Please click on student pages to comment.


Welcome  Critical Issues Students  I have created a page for you to make your own.    You will find it in the folder labeled "Students." 

Your first task: create a link from your page back to this page. 


1) Go to your page.

2) Click edit.

3) See tutorial if you need more help to include links etc.


Three  tasks for students:

1. Please deposit your final project on your page and manipulate

your page in whatever fabulous way you might discover. 


2. Please visit the other pages and interact in whatever ways might be available.

Leave a thought provoking comment!


3. Please add your references to the Critical Issues Reference Masterlist.

If you need a new catagory, start one. Reference/Resources Masterlist


Click here to review our process: Critical Issues Pathway to Change.doc



Need Help? We're here for you:

  • The PBworks Manual and 30-second training videos can help show you how to edit, add videos and invite users.
  • The best way to get your support questions answered is to click the help link at the top of this page.  Our support gurus will get back to you asap. 


Comments (5)

Siri Anderson said

at 12:50 am on Nov 23, 2009

Great work to all! It is so exciting to see this action research work making a difference already in your communities! Congrats on the significant accomplishments of your semester.
Siri Anderson

rpickle@bemidjistate.edu said

at 9:47 am on Nov 23, 2009


It is always encouraging to see work that is being done in school taken to the outside to make a difference in the community. Your projects reflect your ablity to see a challenge and then provide meaningful ways to addresss the challenge. This is one of the hallmarks of gifted educators, an ability to not only see the problem but also to go toward the solution. It is why we learn how to do "stuff."

mbrueske@... said

at 10:45 am on Nov 23, 2009

I love this! Great idea...and great work everyone!

Beth said

at 9:22 am on Nov 24, 2009

Thanks so much for taking time to review our projects! It's great to get your feedback.

Barbara Bridges said

at 10:05 am on Dec 1, 2009

Well done, class. Please visit the discussion board in our class for our wrap-up and debrief AND the anonymous evaluation!!

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